Mrs. Nesbitt's
ABC Wednesday Round 4 has reached the letter
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This is a photo my son
Otto took several years ago of his daughter Anna with a baby
Opossum. They were visiting a friend who raises
Opossums. The females make lovely little pets. Long ago, when
Otto's and my children were small, we had a sweet little albino
Otto would put her into her little red harness and then lead her around the neighborhood to eat the garden snails.
Great O word, and such a cute photo of your granddaughter with her opossum
What a perfect shot for the O Day!! And what a sweet photo of your granddaughter and her "friend"! Thanks for sharing! Have a great ABC Wednesday!
A very cute photo.
O...that is a lovely little opossum. I think I could take to one of those.
Great photo and a great choice of O.
I'd never heard of opossums being pets! When I was growing up they were always venturing out of the nearby wetland and getting hit by cars. :(
Very sweet photo.
Sweet! I hadn't thought of opposums becoming pets; the only ones I ever encountered were having hissy-fits!
Fascinating! A darling granddaughter who looks so comfortable and loving with the little opossum. Great choice! Love it!
I never even heard of opposum's before. Learn something new everyday.
It was interesting letter'O'opossum.
I've never seen its like here in Sarawak.Thanks for sharing.
I dont't think I have ever seen one, so thank you for sharing!
Although there were plenty of them in New Zealand, I never saw one before. This photo of your granddaughter is very beautiful, thanks for sharing.
What an original post, with lots of "o" and a lovely photo !
Great post, very original. Thanks for sharing.
Great photo! I had no idea that opossums could be trained as pets. We have wild ones that come up close to the house at times, especially if I leave the cats' dish outside. I never knew they could be tamed.
Such a nice photo with your granddaughter. I didn't think opossums could be that cute!
Wonderful O! Love the opossum!
What a cute creature! Great O.
How cute photo of that girl and the Opossum. I have never seen an Opossum alive, only on the telly. Love it!
Hi Granny,
He's so cute!! We have opossum's here, they come up to the house after dark and eat our garbage we throw out. Thanks for stopping by my place. Have a great evening!!
What a perfectly lovely story! I never knew that they could be pets. One time I was driving home late from a waitressing job and I killed one. I called my Daddy crying at 2:00 in the morning. He wasn't too happy because he said Possums were nothing to cry over...I will have to show him this post : )
Gee, I had no idea they could make good pets! :D Good choice for our O-Day. :D
I had no idea that people kept opossums as pets! They do look cute, and I've heard they're quite docile. But what do they do with the males? Do they make pets too?
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