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Well, not exactly accident - more like stupidity. Otto and I had an appointment, and when we arrived up to the street and our garage to get our car, we were stunned to see this porta-potty leaning against our garage door. It took hours of frustrated phoning to various agencies before we could get it removed. It seemed that the truck-driver who had deposited it against our garage door had misunderstood the directions - which said to deliver it to the corner nearest our address, our house being the first on the block that faces the street on which the object (henceforth to be unnamed) was intended to be placed. We are actually the second house from the corner, but the address of the corner house is on the cross street. The object had been ordered to be placed on the street corner for the convenience of city workers on an upcoming street paving project. The truckdriver found our address - to him the obvious place to deliver said object - and his orders said to leave it on the corner - and this was the corner of our property. You can't imagine the number of folk we had to call to finally get the situation straightened out and the object removed so that we could open our garage door!
Yes, we missed our appointment.
Well I reckon it's Dr Who's TARDIS in disguise :-)
And L is for Laugh which is what I did when I read this post.
Laughs at your lavavtory incident. You do read the funniest things when blogging.
Clever choice for "L". I did get a chuckle out of the misplacement of the portable you-know-what.
Luckily it was left empty. Loony story. Thanks for the laugh, though I'm sure not on your side of the incident.
I'm sure that was frustrating at the time, but it's funny in retrospect. How loopy to have a lost lone latrine left at your house.
This is the strangest thing I've heard lately. Laughing, but thinking what sort of an object plunks an object in front of the garage door. Whew.
Well that did give me a *L*augh!
What a carry on. I think I would have used it! Would come in handy if all the family tuned up for a reunion!
I agree with first comment........ looks like a tardis!
What a hoot of an event! I suppose not at the time and missing your appointment and all that, but looking back and re-telling the story must feel unworldly now.
Glad you have the sense of humour to write a bog about it...
Love Granny
Yes I am with "gone to the dogs" Babooshka, and the others: the first thing I did, when I read your post was laughing. You describe the situation so well!! Thank you for sharing! Thank you also for the visit!
By the time you got into the house you'd probably used it!
Oh, for goodness' sake! LOL! And it looks like it's leaning too!
I guess that driver was a guy who saved his brain cells for special occasions. ROFL!
"left "is a clever choice!
What a trouble and what a nonsense !
Oh my gosh - that's the funniest story! Now that is has been resolved, anyway. Sorry about your appointment though. Nice that you can laugh about such things!
Maybe he was also left-handed?
Oops! Funny though. Lots of jokes could fit in here granny, including ones about excuses for not getting to the appointment. He he. happy Easter.
It made a great L story though!
LOL, this is so funny! But I'm sure you weren't laughing until they finally took it away and you were able to open your garage door. Your neighbors were probably wondering what was going on as well:)
Oh my goodness! Frustrating at the time, I'm sure, but very funny in retrospect. :)
Oh no! I can't believe this happened. I just laughed so hard! What a great way to start my Monday : ). This could only happen to you Granny Smith : ). So funny! I hope your Easter was very happy yesterday! I was just thinking of you this morning as I was racing out the door on my way to work! Have a wonderful day!
Now I am convinced that fact is stranger than fiction! Always fun to see what you're up to. Wishing you beautiful spring days, Phyllis.
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