I am in Ontario, Oregon to attend the wedding tomorrow of my grandson, Cedric Shock. There are lots of relatives to visit and have fun with, and I don't have time to write something original. So I will post something very old: my very first published work in a national magazine. This is a scan of the original verse in Country Gentleman of November, 1949. Country Gentleman was a Curtis publication, a sister magazine of The Saturday Evening Post.

What a beautiful poem! I'm going to have to read it over again to truly get the meaning. My favorite kind of poems are the ones that I don't get right away, but that aren't totally obtuse to me either. They tickle my brain, telling me that there's something there to go back to. That's what this did.
Have fun at the wedding!
I'm intrigued as to where you had that poem stored so you could use it today. You're very resorceful!
Wonderful to see you were already so great with words back then.
1949!! I need to learn your system of filing, organizing etc.
I can't even find last months mortgage statement!
Cute poem and SO true! thanks!
great verse - the architect never has to work in the building he designs or in most cases i have to believe he'd do it much differently, don't you???
Loved that poem. Architects should work more with psychologists, environmentalists and sociologists - learn about the repercussions of what they do.
Oh, so true! And I share devil mood's & lucy's admiration for your filing system.
Enjoy a wonderful weekend!
Glad you kept this one. The less we need something, the better the service. Cheers. Maekitso.
I turned two at the end of 1949. I still can't find anything as easily as you seem to have found this. Bottle that secret and sell it!!
I am so glad I looked at your blog today. My husband was principal of Ontario High School for 13 years and we still stay connected with many of our friends. This was just a little reminder of how small this world really is.
Beautiful poem. You must be the keeper of the flame in your family...1948! WOW!
I drift around from Blog to Blog becoming increasingly dejected about my lack of expertise with homecrafts and gardening!! Then lo! I find a blog with a poem on it, and a very cheerful face!
I. too, have bits and pieces from my writing life (to call it a 'career' would be a nonsense.) I think it was in 1949 that I had a Nativity Play for children (music and all) published in an English teachers' magazine.
Now I have found a medium for my versification and I'n hooked.
My Blog is a diary/comment whatever in verse.
You might like it.
I enjoyed your poem. It's as up to date now as it was in 1949.
Ha! Great poem!
And what a great name; Cedric Shock!
the poem was beautiful...
Loved this poem and how very true.
Bravo! The timelessness of your ditty is amazing.
What a wonderful poem and I love its humor. It brought a smile to my face! :~)
Grannie this is a gem! And to think you have kept copy all those years.
How that first publication resonates with us all. Thank YOU for posting this little poem, so relevant to this week's post. And may you enjoy every moment of the wedding celebrations!
Darling poem. I hope you're having fun at the wedding.
Good luck to the bride and groom.
Lovely poem. :0)
You are an inspiration. I hope I'm still blogging 59 years from now and sharing my first published work. That would mean I would have one!
Thank you for your comment on my post about sibling rivalry - and thank you for the lovely poem.
I am back on line. Have missed my blog & friends!
Great poem.
What a gift to be able to write like this. You are an inspiration!
I have been reading your blog since you commented on my first Sunday Scribblings post (at Marmalade Skies) but didn't leave comments since I didn't have a blogger account. I have to say I really like your writing, and especially the story for your last Sunday Scribblings. Thank you for visiting mine, too, and I hope your grandson had a lovely wedding!
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