Here is my take on the unpredictability of fate:
The day of destruction dawns like any day
- birds at the feeder, crumbs upon the table -
“We’re almost out of toaster bread,” she says.
They hear no murmur of subterranean stresses
to cause new rifts to gape, to split wide open
when earth’s crust slips or an inadvertent word
to release tsunamis of ocean or of tears.
The day of destruction dawns like any day.
Perhaps the undetected clot will migrate,
the rusted bridge truss break.
“I’ll buy another loaf on my way home.”
And who knows?
Maybe this is not the day the world will end.
It might still be a day
like any other day.
Phyllis Sterling Smith
Sounds pretty gloomy, doesn't it? I don't mean it that way at all. Life is rich and wonderful, and my real point is that I want to be sure to be in the present moment, experiencing it in all its wonderfulness.
Here is a tiny sampling of some from different stages of his life: baby, young father, grandfather, recent.

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