You say I have the gift of words.Someday my words may fail me,
lost in a maze of neurons,
wells of words with no bucket to retrieve them;
or they may tangle on my tongue
like Hannah's yarn after her stroke
when she worried helplessly among her skeins and needles.
Gifts are for giving.
Thus I would bequeath to you a shimmer of words
when I no longer can order them into their patterns.
They will glint like breeze-tossed aspen leaves
or glimmer like showers in sunshine where each drop holds a rainbow.
They will be as numerous as stars, as facets of waves
as moments of our love
and fragrant like water touching parched earth.
They will hold bird song and wind song but, alas,
no Mozart,just their fragments.
no sonnets,
no meaning -
I will scatter them at random on a fragile web
spangled with words and syllables like sequins
and toss it scarf-like over you.
This is my gift.

Wow Granny! Beautiful vision but sad too in the first verse. Its all a part of life's journey. Thanks for your words.
Oh Granny... that was so insightful.
Sad, but yet, your vision has so much power and strength told this way. And, the whole piece rang like a melody. Fabulous.
what a lovely, bittersweet vision. words are wonderful gifts to receive. they last a lifetime.
Ahem! This piece had such an air of finality.made me a little sad infact:( but nicely written. i too have contributed for sunday scribblings-vision... would be nice to know your words on it:)
Bittersweet. But a marvellous vision. So often we are our words.
Thanks for sharing your word gift with us!
Oh Granny, what a gift you have and have given us! I do not find your vision sad at all, it is beautiful and inspiring and it sparkles with love. Thank you!
how absolutely beautiful Granny!! i loved the images this created in my mind.
This was powerful and beautiful, a reminder that our gifts are to be given not kept tucked away under that blanket of fear and insecurity. beautifuly spoken.
be well
Granny without words would be a summer without sunshine.
A beautiful piece for which I thank you.
Your words ARE a gift to all who read them. Thank-You Granny. I pray your words never fail you. ♥
I don't know Granny, words have not failed you until now, maybe they never will. :) We hope.
What a sense of "tossed to the wind" but still holding love in every letter. Great work of art here, as usual. I don't know how you do it.
My respects.
that was a blessing granny... beautiful gift of giving...
thank you for your gift....we all love it.
that is original!
Awesome, Granny. This is one I'm going to print out and hang on my wall. It's just perfect for a writer (that'd be me. And you).
Beautiful, insightful and just a bit sad--well done! :-). I'll have to stop by more often--glad to have found you. :-)
Thank you for your written and artistic gifts, Granny Smith!
the mood and the intent of the verse are powerful and stirring, albeit a little melancholy - and i think your abstracts turned out extremely well - eye candy!!!
"I will scatter them at random on a fragile web
spangled with words and syllables like sequins
and toss it scarf-like over you."
Now THAT is a beautiful vision.
This is such poetic thought for Vision. Thank you.
Absolute beautiful. Written by a woman of wisdom!
That is an amazing vision and hit very close to home. Beautiful!
I thought your abstracts looked great!
"Make music!" Of course! How could I have left that one off of my verbs of vision? Thanks for commenting.
What gorgeous images! I love the web.
Beautiful and bittersweet - I have too many people in my family who have lost their words.
I love the computer abstract!
I have always written in my journals so that when I'm no longer here to have my say, at least I'll be able to give the RIGHT story rather than have myself misquoted or misunderstood. I know it sounds odd... Your abstract art is delightful as well as you shimmering words - always happy to visit!
Lord have mercy! You’ve bequeathed the gift of words yet my tongue feels as tied as Hannah’s as my emotions tangle and I try and sort through the skill of skeins and needles in breeze-tossed leaves and rainbows in raindrops and the smell of quenched soil…and then I begin to see that this shimmer of words you remain vitally able to arrange just so, I see that they exquisitely point toward the greatest gift of all: what can’t be captured in words. This poem is a miraculous creation, a breathing example of itself, it is what it speaks of. There’s no better gift in my opinion, and I thank you!!!
What a brave vision. Hopefully you won't lose your words OR your vision while you are alive. That would be a tragic loss.
Lovely Granny. So vivid and beautiful.
A shimmer of words, all in their proper order -- this beautiful poem is a real gift. Thanks so much.
Perhaps words will never fail you. We can hope.
That is one of the most beautiful poems I have ever read!!! I will cherish the reading of it forever.
A shimmering paradox.
what a wonderful tribute to your legendary gift. just beautiful!
Beautiful and sad - I particularly liked the well/bucket image.
For me your words hold such sweet sentiment on the frailty and beauty of life, lovelY!
Your art is really fun.
You are amazing.
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