Otto and I are visiting Port Townsend, Washington, home of son Otto, daughter-sister-and-wife-of-my-son Kristin, and their offspring. The purpose of the visit is to celebrate the graduation of grandson Johnny. At a large celebration dinner last night I watched good friend, Johanna Perkins, knit a small bag, making it up as she went. This is nothing like her complex patterns which she turns out at almost equal speed and ease.
Here is the bag. And here are are few of the caps she has knitted for Otto and Kristin.
And while I was starting this post, Johanna walked in the door and informed me that the finished small bag is mine. Oh, joy!
I will be posting much more re graduation and visit another time. Now I will stop and visit with Johanna.
how talented is she....making it up as she went along! the hats are so complex, it amazes me that people can actually knit this and have it come out perfectly. i tried my hand at knitting once...i was not very good at now i buy!
G'Day Granny, I just dropped by for a look. The knitting is great but it is a skill I never mastered. I did have some success with spinning wool, which I enjoyed. Did you know that in Australia a Granny Smith is a big bright green crunchy apple. It was bred here by an early australian gardener called Granny Smith who lived in Sydney.The apples are large and a bright lime green and are crisp and tart. Mostly used for cooking but beautiful to eat by them selves. I am fussy with my apples and only buy 2 types, a red delicious which I flick with my fingernail to check if it is crunchy and the granny smith apples. They keep for ages. Do you get Granny Smith apples over there?
Linda May, Granny Smith's are my very favorite apples. They are available in every supermarket and produce stand and are the only ones most cooks use for pies. Look at my header. Those are Granny Smith apples. I prefer them (peeled) for eating.
Born in Berkeley, although I have lived much of my life in other places. I now live across the street from my son Otto and his wife Kristin in Port Townsend Washington - a delightful town to live in and wheelchair friendly,
how talented is she....making it up as she went along! the hats are so complex, it amazes me that people can actually knit this and have it come out perfectly. i tried my hand at knitting once...i was not very good at now i buy!
I had just posted to my own blog regarding a new trend in knitting, when a friend showed me your post too.
This woman is very talented and your blog is a joy to read.
Thank you,
G'Day Granny,
I just dropped by for a look.
The knitting is great but it is a skill I never mastered. I did have some success with spinning wool, which I enjoyed.
Did you know that in Australia a Granny Smith is a big bright green crunchy apple. It was bred here by an early australian gardener called Granny Smith who lived in Sydney.The apples are large and a bright lime green and are crisp and tart. Mostly used for cooking but beautiful to eat by them selves. I am fussy with my apples and only buy 2 types, a red delicious which I flick with my fingernail to check if it is crunchy and the granny smith apples. They keep for ages. Do you get Granny Smith apples over there?
Linda May, Granny Smith's are my very favorite apples. They are available in every supermarket and produce stand and are the only ones most cooks use for pies. Look at my header. Those are Granny Smith apples. I prefer them (peeled) for eating.
Thanks for visiting my blog and for your comment.
These are wonderful!
Wait until our friend Marianne sees this!
Thanks for sharing, my friend.
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