Jen at My Humble Opinion gave me this Best Blogging Buddies award. Thank you, Jen for the nice things you said about me.
Jen didn't say how many awards I could pass along. I'm going to limit my list to a special few, my reason being that if I went beyond that I'd have to choose among all my other dear blogging friends by playing eeny-miney-mo!
1. Mary Ann, at Peacock Blue, my first-found blogging friend, very dear to me and a joy to turn to daily.
2. Marianne, whose constant comments, humorous, quirky or flattering, brighten my day.
3. Tumblewords, poet and artist.
4. Inland Empire Girl at Gathering Around the Table, whose gracious invitation always draws me in.
Spring has been with us for several weeks, and is a joy for me to get out in it even though I still have to be very careful with my back. The pink-flowering plum along the streets has already dropped its petals and has tender new burgundy-clored leaves. Many yards are lush right now with Japanese Magnolia blossoms, and I had Otto stop the car a couple of times so that I could snap these photos (we were on our way to the grocery store - one of my first shopping trips in a long time!).
Thank You, so very much! :^D
Positively loving the photos of Spring, the new banner/header is Gorgeous!
I'm glad to hear you're making it out and about, and carefully so :^)
Thank you, thank you!
The photos are exquisite - I'm looking forward to seeing color here but in the meantime I can enjoy what you're seeing!
So glad to hear that you are moving about now!!
Thank you so much for the award. Your photos are just gorgeous and I love you new banner. Spring looks like it has arrived.
Many thanks, Phyllis, for the gorgeous flowers on your blog! They made my heart sing. And a buddy award coming from you is a gift indeed. We go way back, don't we? :O) You gave me the encouragement to continue with this little virtual experiment and your blog is one I check daily.
Your friendship is a gift.
Mary Ann
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