The Merry-Go-Round
at Tilden Park

The painted horses go round and around
To the lilt of steam organ’s old-fashioned sound.
Go up, go down, go round and around
The Merry-Go-Round goes round and around
The years go around and around.
The toddler rides with laughs of delight
With Daddy beside her to hold her tight
And the years go around, up day, down night
And the Merry-Go-Round goes around.
The ups are winning, no downs today
As teenagers come to the park to play
And the sun shines bright on the Merry-Go-Round
And the years go around and around.
When did the years start to spin so fast
And the feet slow down? But the memories last
Of child and child’s child, now outward bound
And the years go around and around.
Who would have thought that I’d need to cry
When the steed you rode on came bounding by
Without you on it, that years would fly
As the Merry-Go-Round spun around.
without the dignity which their respective PhDs might imply,
ride the Tilden Merry-Go-Round.
To the lilt of the steam organ’s old-fashioned sound
Go up, go down, go around and around
The Merry-Go-Round goes around
And the years go around and around.
April 14, 2011 Phyllis Sterling Smith
So beautiful, Gigi!! Good thing my tissue box is at my desk!!
Theres nothing quite like a merry go round and the fun of a fair.
Maggie X
Nuts in May
I love the merry-go-round - what fun to ride it and imagine another world:-)
'When the steed you rode on came bounding by
Without you on it,...'
Beautiful and touching reminder, dear Phyllis.
p.s. I'm so happy to think you & dear Otto AND me saw the same Chagalls.
What a delightful, yet melancholy, poem. Your extended family must be a great joy to you.
Marvelous words, fun captures and a great post for the M Day! I love merry go rounds! Hope you're enjoying a lovely week!
ABC Team
Merry-go-rounds are part of my special memories! I so loved all the happy lights and the jingly music and the calm rise and fall of the horses as they lilted around! I used to love watching the mirrors reflecting the riders and the lights! A small corner of fantasy land!
A beautiful poem offering the merry-go-round as a metaphor for passing time!
What fun. I love merry-go-rounds. Great post for M.
there are six in my home county; love them.
ROG, ABC Wednesday team
This is so very beautiful. It made me cry. And cry some more.
Great choice for M. Love the photos and the prose.
Beautiful poignant words, and a wonderful choice of M. Do we all have a merry-go-round in our past that is precious a flooded with memories?
Merry-go-rounds, to me, represent all that might be magical and by that very thought represent grief and loss of that magic. Poignant post.
It's been a very long time since I've seen the Tilden merry-go-round. Makes me think of times swimming in Lake Anza. I love your poem, Granny Smith. :-)
A beautiful and poignant poem. I always find merry-go-rounds mesmerising, a mix a beauty and nostalgia.
Merry-go-rounds are such fun, I love the poem so true.
Nice pick for letter M! Beautiful captures!
My Letter M, hope you can come and see. Have a great Wednesday!
Thank you, Grandmother. This was a beautiful read.
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