Monday, March 23, 2009

J is for Jungle Gym

Just in time to link to Mrs. Nesbitt's
ABC Wednesday Round 4
and participating blogs.

uniors, get lost! This playground in Oxford Circle Park, Davis, California, is strictly for adults! These Jungle Gym acrobats are my grandchildren, who were there at dusk one afternoon last January and stayed until after dark. Credit the photos of Myrtle (27 year old archeologist) to her brother, Byron Shock (35-year-old PhD. in artificial intelligence), and credit the photos of Byron to Myrtle Shock. As you can see, they are Jumping with Joy!

Here you can see the intricacy of the strong
ropes designed to fit adult sizes and weights.

Myrtle at apex of complex.



Winifred said...

That looks like great fun.

TYRA Hallsénius Lindhe said...

Fun and Joyful post Granny!

Jungle Gym LOL!


Rune Eide said...

I get tired just looking at it!

gone to the dogs said...

How cool is that! What a great J.

Sylvia K said...

What Joy and delight! Great post, Granny! Thank you for sharing!

Hedwig said...

I have seen similar plygrounds here too. I will never try to climb into them. Nice photos anyway.

EG CameraGirl said...

I enjoyed this J post very much, Granny!

MY ABC Wednesday post is at
More of Me - EG

naturglede/Randi Lind said...

Greate photoes. Joyful post from you today! Have a fun abc:)

Nave said...

This is fun !!

annalarssonphotography said...

Great and funny J-post! :)

My post is up too!
Have a great ABC :)

Jane Hards Photography said...

Jolly jumping for joy.

Cindy said...

Jungle Gym! I wish I had thought of that one. Nice job - and delightful pictures, too!

Rinkly Rimes said...

How fantastic! A playground for adults! I must pass on that idea to our Town Council!

Tumblewords: said...

I've never heard of such a thing but it looks absolutely wonderful. Great J!

Bradley Hsi said...

What a great idea of having a playground just for adult. They sure have some fun over there.

J said...

I am very jealous, that looks like so much fun!

Unknown said...

That looks like such a fun place! I am SO surprised that you were not right in that mix : ). I can totally see you rocking a jungle gymn, Granny Smith : ).

Jinksy said...

Obviously a place for big kids at heart...

Sherrie said...

Hi Granny,
Wonderful "J" post!! The "kids" look like they are having a wonderful time!! Have a great day!!


Reader Wil said...

How great to see people enjoying themselves, although I have not the faintest idea how these apparatus work. Thanks for your visit to my post about the concentration camps. I answered your comment on my blog.

Jay said...

That looks such fun! I probably wouldn't last five minutes before I had to stop for a breather - or a visit to A & E - but I'd love to have a go.

One of my sons recently went to a birthday party at an indoor 'jungle gym' which mostly caters for kids but does allow adults. HUGE equipment, about a three story high building. He had a whale of a time.

spacedlaw said...

This looks like some serious fun!

Carol said...

What a fun post and your grandchildren are enjoying the jungle...good J.

Janie said...

Funny post and a fun place to go.

Dragonstar said...

They are thoroughly enJoying themselves! Fun post.

Rose said...

I've never heard of an adult playground--what a novel idea! Looks like they are really enjoying themselves.

Vicky said...

Jungle Gym! If I get in there, I hope my body fats will got lost and not follow me home.LOL!
Thank u for sharing.

Tash said...

What a great idea! I'm going to make a point to look for one of these. Such a fun 'J' post.

Rune Eide said...

Thank you for the comment! The "tongue" is a strap that is used to hoist the drum onto trucks.

Karyn said...

Looks like a great way to have fun!

pictureeachday said...

This is too cool! I wish we had one of those around here..