Monday, December 31, 2007

Holiday Reflections

Nighttime reflections in the front window
at (son) Otto's and Kristin's house.
Phyllis with camera, Otto (husband) at computer.

Note the computer discs hung in the window - a rainbow room decoration both day and night, as a kaleidoscope of color plays across their surfaces. The Christmas tree itself doesn't show in this photo, but it appears in the previous post.

On this New Year's eve we are reaching the end of wonderful holiday season with four generations of Smiths celebrating together (counting ourselves, the oldest). How we wish that everyone could have a coming year filled with the joy we have had these last two and a half weeks! Unfortunately the news of the world negates that possibility, but we can at least hope for improvement.

And Happy New Year to you, my blog friends!


nonizamboni said...

Here's hoping and praying for some good sense and maybe a reversal of some of the world's ills. Years ago we didn't think it was too late, yes? Maybe it still isn't. . .
Phyllis, you make the world a better place 'by just you being who you are'(Mr. Rogers)!

Kristi Tencarre said...

Happy New Year to you Granny Smith, the light shining into the darkness :-)