PEACE ON EARTHPeaceable Kingdom With Two Olives by Will Bullas (downloaded).
He sells prints of this painting
In the Peaceable Kingdom what will Lion do
lying with studied calm beside the Lamb?
Will he be satisfied with veggie stew?
Will he chow down on chunks of soybean Spam?
To Wolf, who snuggles with his erstwhile feedFOR IMPLEMENTING
PEACE ON EARTHPeaceable Kingdom With Two Olives by Will Bullas (downloaded).
He sells prints of this painting
In the Peaceable Kingdom what will Lion do
lying with studied calm beside the Lamb?
Will he be satisfied with veggie stew?
Will he chow down on chunks of soybean Spam?
what kind of kibble can substitute for Hare?
Although her friend, the Hawk, eats sunflower seed
will Mouse wax nervous at her hungry stare?
I contemplate this future state of grace,
this lion-by-lamb, eagle-by-chipmunk view,
this straight-from-heaven, love-each-other place:
Purina research staff, we count on you!
Phyllis Sterling Smith