Wednesday, October 21, 2009

N is for Nighttime in the Garden

For other blogs responding to Denise Nesbitt's gracious hosting of the ABC Wednesday round 5, follow the link or click on the banner

Nighttime in my daughter's garden.


Tumblewords: said...

So much color - lots of blossoms. Gorgeous. All the flowers here have gone.

Rinkly Rimes said...

I'm so glad the source of the light is also shown. It adds to the magic.

S said...

I like this. It's hard for me to capture nighttime photos so clearly. Hello!

My google account is not connected to a blog so here's my WW link:
Please drop by for an enjoyable visit to my writing & photography blog.

Roger Owen Green said...

NICE noctural nature.

Nydia said...

SO peaceful! I love the flowers, it must be lovely to walk around at night!

Great ABC post.

Kisses from Nydia.

linda may said...

Very Pretty, and I love waht you said in the previous post too, you are very right about that Granny.
I left an award to share on my blgo and would like yo to have it. Love Linda.

Unknown said...

Wow. It is still thriving even as summer has faded away! : ) Very pretty!