We parked in the parking lot of our favorite restaurant (where we can feast on wild Alaskan salmon) and the nose of Lorelei (our car) was almost against this small tree back-lit by the setting sun. The light shone through these persistent autumn leaves who apparently don't know that they are inappropriate for the holiday season!
Nature is certainly glowing there.
Ohhhhhhhhh, so pretty! I love this post! What lovely variations! Great V!
I used to love the variegated bushes of the gardens of my childhood. Very nostalgic post for me.
lovely leaf pictures. thanks for sharing.
I'd rather have those beautiful brightly coloured leaves than the Arctic temps we're getting right now - with SNOW! ICK ICK ICK
I love the color of the maple leaf!
My V entries are here and here. Please drop by if you have time. Thanks.
nice photo of autumn leaves.. looks like they are holding on to that tree and fighting against the cold of winter. soon they too, will fall off. lovely post!
mine is here: http://seasons.pinoyvibes.net/2008/12/17/v-is-for-vow/
happy wednesday!
Yea! Verily!
Lovely shot.
Good V too (I believe this is a Vine of some sort).
A most fitting setting for wild salmon. Envious!
Oh, I must say, au contraire mon friend, those colours, to me, are completely appropriate and oh so beautiful. A true visual treat. and feast.
G'Day Granny, I dropped by to see wotchadoin'
Autumn leaves at Christmas time. Pretty. I didn't think it got real cold where you are.
Merry Chrsitmas to you and yours. God Bless.
What lovely colours those leaves are showing. A beautiful photo.
Vivid vine! Perfect!
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