Sunday, March 31, 2013


The Sunday Scribblings prompt is "seasoned".

Spring flutters in, fabulous flirt,
And flicks the last snows from her skirt.
Released from storms' prison,
Our garden hopes risen,
We neighbors are sharing the dirt.

I wrote this this week for Mad Kane's Limerick off.


George S Batty said...

love it...I've tried the Mad's Limericks a few times and not done so well.
I Like the whole thing but was particularly fond of your 1st two lines. Nice limericking...

Madeleine Begun Kane said...

And it earned you an Honorable Mention too. Great job! And thanks!

Limerick of the Week 107

Old Egg said...

Limericks are a lot of fun especially when the reader is not quite sure the pun in the last line was intentional or not. But I laughed!

Altonian said...

I'm a great fan of limericks and their writers, and this one is very fine. Congratulations on your Honourable Mention.

Jae Rose said...

Spring sounds she should be..full of life and verve..

Keith's Ramblings said...

Your springs sounds far more interesting than ours! Delightful.

Belva Rae Staples said...

I love this lively little limerick!

Amber said...

Vibrant and charming limerick =)

I am here

Beth Camp said...

Good to see your poems again. I do like that wonderful first line, especially as spring has finally arrived here in eastern Washington! Hope you are well. Beth