What better could illustrate "faith" than the utter confidence on the face of our tiny daughter, Candace, as she launches herself into space knowing, beyond a doubt, that her father, Otto, will catch her in his arms.
GS, this is a lovely photo and an even lovelier sentiment. Thank you for sharing this. it is absolutely beautiful and indicative of something just as grand as faith...love
That is truly "the leap of faith". This post illustrates the old saying "one pciture is worth a thousand words. Thanks for the visit to my blog. I am always honored when you drop in.
Born in Berkeley, although I have lived much of my life in other places. I now live across the street from my son Otto and his wife Kristin in Port Townsend Washington - a delightful town to live in and wheelchair friendly,
GS, this is a lovely photo and an even lovelier sentiment. Thank you for sharing this. it is absolutely beautiful and indicative of something just as grand as faith...love
That photo says it all . . . :-)
What a great photo. That's the best kind of faith.
That is truly "the leap of faith".
This post illustrates the old saying "one pciture is worth a thousand words.
Thanks for the visit to my blog. I am always honored when you drop in.
That's real faith, and wonderful to see! I love it when you share things like this with us.
What a fantastic photograph and one that you must treasure! Now THAT sort of faith I understand!
What a lovely photo - simply perfect.
The faith of a child is something isn't it. Love this Granny.
What a stunning photograph and a reminder on how much our children trust us.
Lovely post! Old photos bring back such wonderful memories.
Just beautiful.
Yes that is faith.
I am glad I stopped by here today.:-)
This is just WONDERFUL!!
I agree. That is the essence of faith.
I love this!
I love love love this picture! Wonderful illustration of faith.
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