Really! I am visiting in Port Townsend, where, in Otto and Kristin's house (not the separate building with music studio and Otto's office), there is no printer. Kristin is trying to put together a box of gifties to send to Johnny and Pookie in Thailand, and only my gift is lacking its tag. Otto is out in his office, so I e-mailed the design below for him to print, then cell-phoned him to tell him it was on his e-mail. But he, too, has a time problem in that he is in the midst of down-loading some programs!

I am notoriously late with birthday greetings, even though they are printed right there on my calendar. I missed your birthday yesterday, granddaughter Ruthie. Happy belated birthday! The next gift I send will be a wedding gift! I am determined to remember that granddaughters Anna and Gwen have April birthdays. Or have I already missed yours, Gwen?
A happy deadline is May 15 when the tenant in the little house across from the Otto Smiths will have vacated it and I can begin moving my "new" (acquired at Goodwill and Habitat for Humanity thrift stores) furniture into what will be my part-time home. I will still keep my Berkeley house, at least for the near future.
The prompt today could not have been more relevant! For more responses to it, go to Sunday Scribblings.
Good luck in your part-time new home. Yes, birthday deadlines are often not kkept.
I love the sound of the part time home. Sounds really exciting. I suppose that means they will BOTH be part time homes........
Nuts in May
Sounds good -- enjoy your new part-time home! :)
Best wishes in your new place. It sounds as though you may be spending time near family and if that is the case - WONDERFUL!
It is so good to find you happily looking forward to being closer to family, even if it is part time. Can't beat family. Enjoy.
And I too love to find things in those opportunity type shops. :)
What a delightful post! It is as though you are talking to us as your friends.
oh but what a beautiful gift! I think belated gifts are nice. just when all the fuss is over and everything has settled down, a gift arrives. it is unexpected and such a joy.
So thoughtful to make gifts. (I make jewelry, too but not out of clay.) That is pretty. They will not mind if the gifts are late. It's hard to keep track of so many people. They love you and will be happy you remember them!
All the best Granny :)
Deadline - Decline
Hi Phyllis -
haven't been around in a while so I stopped by to say hello. Poetry up to my ears these days submerged in NaPoWriMo 2010. Sounds like you are into a wonderful adventure -- enjoy...
Image & Verse
May 15 is my birthday... don't forget...! :-D
Your part-time house sounds like the beginning of another lovely story. May it begin with May flowers and lots of love.
What a lovely gift. I know it made her day. You make so many peoples day. So very many people's : )
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