Saturday, September 26, 2009

Cheese Challenge

"No one chooses to be cheesy!"
I wouldn't be so sure.
Don't mystery writers find cheese easy
To use as metaphor?

Just listen to the tough detective:
"She's full of holes as Swiss!" -
a description that's effective
for a bullet-riddled miss.


gautami tripathy said...

Cheesy indeed!

dad, will you walk one more time with me?

Maggie May said...

Different as chalk and cheese, that is what it is going to be like with our comments.

Lucy said...

personally gran... i love cheesy!
I mean..just read my blog!

floreta said...

ha so true! and mystery novels are often cheesy

Rinkly Rimes said...

Well, wee all spend our lives saying it in order to whip up a smile!

A Girl Named Me said...

a little cheese is a good thing....

too much of a good thing - never good.


Keith's Ramblings said...

Delightful Phyllis! You never fail to please.

latree said...

hai granny, cheese! :)
*miss you*

Tammy Brierly said...

Don't forget chick flicks. lol

nonizamboni said...

I just had to see what you'd do with this prompt--and I wasn't disappointed, as usual!
I agree about the cheesiness too.
Have a great week, Phyllis.

Tumblewords: said...

Your clever poetry makes a good point! What fun it is... said...

Cheesy is good. Better than no emotions.