Sunday will be Mothers' Day. The photo below is of Pearl, my mother, and of me, Phyllis, on the last Mothers' Day that we enjoyed together. The year was 1983, and Mama turned 90 the following November. She died in early 1984.

Below is one of the few snapshots I could find of Pearl's mother Pauline. Here Grandma Sitzler holds me, baby Phyllis. What a difference modern camera's have made in our ability to record and remember our precious moments! I have no pictures of Grandma Pauline and Mama Pearl together, although they hardly let a week go by without long visits with one another, even when they lived in towns two hours apart (by Model T).

Lovely post and beautiful names too.
Take Care/ Tyra
Love your post today. Thank you:)
It was a pleasure to see this piece of family history and I'm glad that you take so good care of it.
PS You DO look like your mother :-)
Lovely all those family portaits! You are all looking pretty!
This is a great chronicle of your family. The picture of you and your Mother is precious. Thanks for sharing your history with us.
That is a lovely post and I learn a little more about you and your lovely family each time I visit. Enjoyed the photos of the *P* names.
A lovely post. We celebrate Mothers' Day much earlier in the UK.
Beautiful post and lovely names and you do look like your mother! What a lovely tribute and a great "P" day message!
All of you were give P names, carrying on a family tradition.
Great family photos and a wonderful P post.
Beautiful photos of the women in your family. I especially like the older photos. I also enjoyed reading about them, so nice of you to share.
These photos are priceless! Your mother certainly doesn't look nearly 90 in that photo, and I would never have guessed your age, either! A lovely post.
Perfect photographs! The family resemblance is surely visible! How nice to have these - thanks for sharing them. I enjoyed them immensely!
What a lot of P's! Lovely post full of memories.
Love Granny
How delightfu that you all have P names! In my family we're al M's! You mother looks so happy and satisfied in the first photo! She is really glowing!
What a very, very special picture. To have with your Mama. You look younger now than you did then. You are always so beautiful!
What lovely keepsakes. You are very like your mother. This is such a lovely personal post.
Thanks for your continued participation.
Wonderful photos of you and your family's past. The photo of you and your mother in 1983 is a treasure.
Sweet. Love the photos, especially your happy smiling baby face.. beyond sweet!
You're all 'P's! How appropriate for this week!
Lovely photos. I've often thought the same thing: how easy it is these days to snap excellent pictures of our loved ones and record important days and fun days with them. I have mostly very formal portraits of my grandparents, though my father took many pictures, less formal than most.
Wow. How amazing that you have these photos, they will be of such value for your children & grand children! Whenever I go back to Poland & visit my Babcia, I take out all her photos & ask a gazzilion questions. This way, I have found out many amazing things about my ancestors, such as My great grand father was in the AK, and was sent to a work camp in Germany, etc... I'm an August baby too! Very inspiring post!
Amazing to see the resemblance of three of you. I wonder how your daughter and her daughter look like. Happy mother's day.
Dear Granny Smith,
I got an email today from the ABC team and it mentioned that your husband is sick. I just want you to know I have been praying and praying for both of you all day long. I just awoke at 2 am and I started praying. I hope that Otto will be able to recover from whatever illness is plaguing him. I hope he is not in pain! I hope you are able to care for him without becoming discouraged. I am praying for and thinking of you! With love. Rebeckah
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